Roulette Rousse


SPOR 2 Lea Guldditte Hestelund

kr.100,00 incl. VAT

SPOR 2 Lea Guldditte Hestelund

SPOR giver i hver udgivelse ordet til en yngre dansk kunstner, der står ved begyndelsen af sin karriere. I et interview fortæller kunstneren om sit værk og de tanker, han eller hun gør sig omkring sin egen kunstneriske praksis.
I SPOR 2 inviteres Lea Guldditte Hestelund i samtale med kunstkritiker Louise Steiwer. Adskillige værker vist i bogen er støttet af Statens Kunstfond.

SPOR-serien er støttet af 15. Juni Fonden og Solar Fonden.

SPOR 2 Lea Guldditte Hestelund
Grafisk design af Spine Studio
Tekst på dansk og engelsk
100 sider

In the book series TRACKS, each publication becomes the mouthpiece of a young Danish artist, who is at the beginning of his or her career. In an interview, the artist talks about his or her work and the thoughts they have about their own artistic practice.
TRACKS 2 invites Lea Guldditte Hestelund in conversation with art critic Louise Steiwer. Several works pictured in the book are supported by the Danish Arts Foundation.

The book series TRACKS is supported by 15. Juni Fonden and Solar Fonden.

SPOR 2 Lea Guldditte Hestelund
Text in Danish and English
Richly illustrated
100 pages
